Saturday, January 2, 2010

Will Toenail Grow Back After Fungal Infection Big Toenail??

Big Toenail?? - will toenail grow back after fungal infection

Hello, a few days ago I had my nail of right big toe removed because of fungal infections. Lamisil had three months and was not very successful. The doctor had made many of these procedures before and had success with other patients. He gave me written instructions to the finger in the Epsom salts and warm water, dry the area and enjoy the use of hydrogen peroxide and iodine (Betadine) in the region and then a bandage. I wonder how long it will take to regenerate? All my nails and the rest of my nails grow very fast very well, so this is an indicator of how long it might take my big toenail grow back? There is also a good opportunity to put good and healthy?


skyepaig... said...

How fast your nails grow naturally grow as an indicator of the speed of the nails. There is no reason not to renew, normally for. If there is a reason why doc would have told you. just follow his instructions ....

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